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Substantial Uptick in Number of Toy Recalls in 2016


Children trust their parents to choose safe toys, furniture, and transportation products, and parents in turn trust manufacturers to sell only products that won’t be harmful to their children. Sadly, manufacturers don’t always spend the time or money they should on testing a product to ensure that it does not pose a threat to… Read More »

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Crashes during Rush Hour


Getting home during rush hour traffic is stressful enough, but getting involved in a major car accident while trying to wade through crowded New York roads is infinitely more stressful. Your odds of being involved in a crash during rush hour are, unfortunately, even higher than those when driving at other times of day…. Read More »

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Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Estate Plan


If you’ve begun the process of creating an estate plan by writing a will, then you’re already on the right path to seeing that your family is cared for in the event of your passing. However, there is more that you can and should do to ensure that the assets you’ve earned in the… Read More »

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What Factors Affect the Value of Your Auto Accident Claim?


After you’ve been injured in a crash, you may be experiencing a lot of uncertainty. You might not be sure how long you’ll be out of work recovering from your injuries, whether you’ll ever recover fully, or whether your car will be repairable or completely totaled. Perhaps the biggest question you have is how… Read More »

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Construction Accident that Injures 3 Causes Suspension of Contractor


Three men were taken to the hospital with major injuries after a load of materials fell onto the men at a Queens construction site. The accident led the New York Buildings Commission to take action against the contractor responsible, suspending both the company and the superintendent responsible for the project. Failure to inspect strength… Read More »

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$14 Million in Damages Awarded to NYCTA Bus Accident Victim


After a second trial where expert witness testimony in support of the plaintiff’s claims was permitted, the victim of a hit-and-run bus accident was awarded $14 million in damages by a Manhattan jury. The case is titled Tate-Mitros v. MTA New York City Transit. The accident victim, William Tate-Mitros, was walking on First Avenue… Read More »

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Create a Plan for Telling Your Kids about Your Split


Breaking the news to your children about your plan to divorce can be one of the hardest parts of a split for some parents. This conversation may never be painless, but by planning ahead with your spouse about how you want this conversation to go, you can make it slightly easier on your kids…. Read More »

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Using a Dash Cam Could Support a Claim for Damages


Dashboard cameras, commonly known as “dash cams,” used to be items only found in police vehicles and only rarely in those of the average driver. With an increase in the number of affordable dash cams on the market, more and more drivers have begun to install them in their vehicles. Dash cam footage can… Read More »

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Recovering as a Passenger after a Crash


When riding as a passenger, you have no way of controlling whether you’re involved in an accident, which can be nerve-wracking. You need to trust that the driver of the car will drive responsibly, making the safety of themselves and their passengers a priority. Even if your driver is as cautious as possible, crashes… Read More »

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High School Victim of Softball Accident Wins $1.1 Million Jury Verdict


Schools are entrusted with the safe-keeping of hundreds of children every day. Parents must trust that school administrators and teachers are taking all necessary steps to protect the children in their care, and that they are well-trained in methods to ensure child safety. When teachers and administrators fail to protect child safety, and children… Read More »

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